What is up with Zooey Deschanel?

Some celebrities are destined to be loved. Have you ever met anyone that didn’t like Meryl Streep? She could have retired after Sophie’s Choice. Morgan Freeman? His reputation isn’t even tarnished by the mess that was Dolphin Tale. Jon Hamm? Well, for obvious reasons.

But then you have the divisive celebrities: Anne Hathaway, John Mayer, Gwenyth Paltrow, James Franco, Kristen Stewart, and Miley Cyrus who will divide a room like the ancient question of the guitarist or the drummer? (drive or walk, truth or dare, boxers or briefs, good news first or bad news first, chocolate or vanilla, cats or dogs, super-sized or living past 40.. you get the point).

Well, here’s another one to add to your list of debatables: Zooey Deschanel.

She’s basically walking bangs in a vintage dress and though she may piss off 88% of the world with her excessive dog-Instagramming and affected voice, she really seems to have settled into her self-described “quirky” ways. Now, because she isn’t showing signs of taking over the world and forcing us all to wear bows and tights, let me try to supply a few of her more admirable fashion choices that may help the Zooey pill go down a bit easier.


See! She does try to do something different with her hair!


She rocks this Moschino pretty hard. It has a vintage feel, but doesn’t remind me of my grandmother.
She ditches the dresses and lipstick every once in a while. Thank God.
She manages to make jeans look like an outfit choice because she rarely wears them.